Spartan Shineline Emulsifier Plus® Stripper - 5 Gal.

Spartan Shineline Emulsifier Plus® Stripper - 5 Gal.

Item # SPC 008405

  • High performance speed stripper. Quickly removes heavy build-ups and burnished floor finish. Enhances time and labor saving benefits.
  • Dilution: 12-64 oz. makes gallon.
  • pH 13.5-13.7; Biodegradable. Phosphate free
  • Use with ultra high speed floor care systems
5 Gal., ea
Manufacturer Item #0084-5
  • -----AMERICHEM'S CHOICE-----

Use with ultra high speed floor care systems. May be used with hot or cool water. Mop on. Agitate. Remove remaining solution easily with a mop, wet vac or automatic scrubber. Lightly scented, and is formulated to eliminate strong solvent odors which are particularly offensive to hospital and nursing home patients and personnel. Contains a light fragrance and is pleasant to use.